Spain Africa Export

Opal Market

Australia has been the dominant force in the opal market for over 100 years. During that time as much as 95% of the worldwide opal production has been mined in Australia. Today, Ethiopia is on its way to becoming the second heavyweight in the opal market.

Ethiopia is now producing beautiful precious opalfire opal, and black opal with spectacular play-of-color in a variety of patterns and body colors

Ethiopian opals are not only beautiful, but they generally cost less than similar-quality opal from Australia. 

The surge of public awareness for the Ethiopian Opals has developed in just a few years without a major mining company or jewelry brand spending millions of dollars to promote them. This popularity is being driven by the beauty of Ethiopian opal and their current attractive prices.

Shewa Opal

also known as “Mezezo opals” and "Choclate opals"

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Welo Opal

These opals ‘ transparent inner flame has characteristics that create the flame feel 3D. In most opals, this 3-dimensional color element is uncommon. It appears to have caught flames within the opal

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Welo Opals

The most important opal discovery in Ethiopia to date was made in 2008 near the town of Wegel Tena in the Wollo Province in the northern part of the country. This opal can have vivid play-of-color flashing from a body color of clear, white, yellow, orange, or brown. It is more stable than the North Shewa opal. This material quickly became known in the trade as “welo opal,” but the names “wollo” and “wello” are also encountered.Much of the welo opal is produced from a single area of stratified volcanic rocks. The main vein is an opalized rhyolitic ignimbrite up to one meter thick that overlies a base of clay. The opal likely formed as silica-bearing waters accumulated on top of the impermeable clay. Silica gel precipitated in the pore spaces of the ignimbrite and was later transformed into opal.

Ethiopian Opal Treatments

Dye Treatment

Hydrophane opals, like those found in Ethiopia, are easy to dye because their porosity naturally absorbs liquids. People who know opal can identify dyed opal on-sight when an outrageous color is used. However, the practice of slightly enhancing an opal’s body color with dye can be much less obvious. In these cases, dye treatments can often be detected with microscopic examination or by cutting into the opal to see if the color is concentrated near the surface.


Many Ethiopian opals are sold in their natural state, and some are treated. Their porosity makes them good candidates for dye, smoke, and sugar/acid treatments. All of these treatments, when disclosed, reduce the price of the opal to much less than natural opal with the same appearance. When undisclosed they can deceive inexperienced buyers and sometimes even experienced buyers.

Smoke Treatment

Smoke is a suspension of very fine particles in air or gas. Fine smoke particles can enter the pore spaces of opal and change its body color. The smoke treatment can be done by wrapping the opal in paper and heating the paper to a temperature that produces smoldering. The smoldering paper releases fine particles of black soot that enter the pores of the opal and darken its body color. The darker body color contrasts with the opal’s play-of-color, making it appear stronger and more obvious.

Sugar/Acid Treatment

The sugar/acid treatment is done by soaking opal for a few days in a warm solution of sugar water, then submerging the opal in sulfuric acid. The acid oxidizes the sugar in the pore spaces of the opal, producing dark-colored carbon particles and stains. This imparts or darkens a gray, black, or brown body color in the opal. Like smoke treatment, these can often be detected by microscopic examination or by laboratory tests for carbon.

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